Protect the city's necessary equipment with better designs.
We know how much of our city's equipment was destroyed in the twister. How much of that was avoidable if they were better protected from these kinds of storms? It goes back to shape. Metal buildings with steel frames and sheets of siding look like leaves blowing in the wind during a tornado. The mechanical attachment to the foundation is the only thing keeping them down. The flat walls act like sails and actually catch the wind rather than divert it. Let's start thinking more about the SHAPE of these structures. Round is better! Domes are better! Our nations early warning radar sites, built in the most inhospitable climates in the world were under domes. They are used extensively in other "tornado alley" states for storm shelters for essential equipment as well as protecting people. FEMA has paid for quite a few of these community storm shelters including a recent $750,000 grant for 2 near a Ohio mobile home community! Wouldn't it make sense to have them available around OUR city for those without other protection, especially those who can't afford to retrofit their homes with safe rooms or for mobile home dwellers? A series of dome shelters in the 40-60' diameter range are very inexpensive to build without partitions required to achieve their strength. You can put quite a few people in one for a short period of time.