Traffic on University Blvd through Alberta City can get very congested due to the many traffic lights. The problem is that between Kicker Road and Cresent Ridge Road, the streets coming in from the north and those from the south do not match up. This creates two intersections less than a block apart, each with its own traffic light, instead of one. There are at least 5 of these situations. University Blvd in Alberta has twice the number of traffic intersection that it should. With the slate wiped clean so to speak, this might be an opportunity to straighten out some of these roads and reduce the number of intersections. This would improve the traffic flow along Univeristy Blvd. That would be essential with some of the other ideas I have read concerning redevelopment in Alberta City. I'm sure that many people, like my wife, avoid Alberta City just because this traffic light congestion drives them crazy.