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What kinds of infrastructure are needed to support our way of life in the coming decades?
Public Transportation
Updated: Jun 15, 2011 Jonathan N

I agree that a clean, efficient, and usable mass transportation system would be of extraordinary value to Tuscaloosa. Rather than widening University Boulevard for more cars, I would like to see a light rail system installed from Five Points in Holt to downtown Tuscaloosa--possibly a similar modification to 15th Street, and a north/south line as well. In order to be successful, such a system would have to run much more frequently than the current bus system. Given the extreme dominance of the car culture in Tuscaloosa, leaders will have to have significant patience while a culture for mass transportation is built. Undoubtedly such a system will run at a deficit for a long time. In order to build users, a long term education campaign as to the benefits of this transportation would need to be mounted and sustained. Of course a partnership between the city and university would be essential to the success of such a venture. Also, a master plan to encourage out-of-town drivers to park their vehicles at the perimeter of the city and use the light rail would need to be developed. I can imagine that such a system would be of immense value during football weekends as well as events put on and/or promoted by the city.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer